Tammy Rolfe Bite Size Support For Anxiety And Panic Relief

Anxiety - Why Does My Body React Like This?

Understanding reaction to anxiety

Anxiety - Why Does My Body React Like This?

The fight-flight-freeze response (FFF) is a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival. It's an automatic response designed to protect us from danger. Here's a breakdown of each component:


  1. Fight: Confronting the threat directly.
  2. Flight: Fleeing from the threat.
  3. Freeze: Becoming immobile or "playing dead."


Key aspects of this response include:


  1. Triggering: The amygdala in the brain detects a potential threat and initiates the response.
  2. Physiological changes:

   - Increased heart rate and blood pressure

   - Rapid breathing

   - Dilated pupils

   - Increased muscle tension

   - Release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol

  1. Purpose: To prepare the body for immediate action to ensure survival.
  2. Evolution: This response evolved in our early ancestors to deal with physical threats but can be triggered by modern stressors too.
  3. Impact on cognition: Can impair rational thinking as the focus shifts to immediate survival.
  4. Aftermath: Once the threat passes, the body gradually returns to its normal state, though residual effects may linger.


In anxiety disorders, this response may be overactive or triggered by seemingly non-threatening situations, but there is always a reason the Fight Flight Freeze response has kicked in. 

When clients come to me with ongoing anxiety the first thing we do is identify their unique anxiety pattern. This pattern is how the FFF response shows up for them. Just because it is a natural body reaction doesn't mean everyone experiences it the same way.

The unique way you experience anxiety and the FFF response, along with the meaning you put to each body reaction, is what will help us to unpick your anxiety and stop any panic for good.

So the next time you are experience a natural body response to anxiety I want you to be aware of each feeling AND the thoughts that pop up in your head at that time. Instead of focusing in on not wanting to feel the feelings, get interested. 

How does this feel, how long is it actually lasting, what thought am i thinking that is making it stronger, weaker? 

Thoughts create feelings and your awareness of your feelings is the first step in moving on from anxiety.

If you'd like to identify your own anxiety map and pattern get in touch and move on from daily anxiety and panic for good.


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Anxiety - Why Does My Body React Like This?

Sep 23, 2024