Tammy Rolfe

Anxiety and Panic Specialist


7 FREE Tips and Tools To Help Your Anxious Child

(or scroll down to get your full printable guide)

  1. Walk around outside in bare feet on grass
  2. Breathe in through your nose for 4, hold 4, breathe out for 4, wait for 4, and start again.
  3. List as many things as you can start with the same letter in 60 seconds
  4. Ask if they can smell that smell (this gets them to take a deep breath in)
  5. Hum or sing or recite a favourite poem
  6. Name 5 things that have been funny lately
  7. Imagine putting all your worries into a big balloon and letting it go, watch as it floats higher and higher until it disappears completely. 

And my bonus most favourite one: Have a pillow fight with a family member or friend. This is a great stress buster!

If you like these then read on...

Stop doubting yourself and be confident in helping to calm your child with 47 easy tips and tools. 

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Yes Please, I Need This

It's all getting too much

No wonder you're feeling stressed when...

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… you search online only to end up overwhelmed and more confused

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… you feel helpless and can't seem to get the support you need

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… it's breaking your heart to see your child suffering


Support Your Child and Feel Better Yourself

Just £9.97 for the full printable Ebook

All this and more

  • Feel confident in the techniques you are using
  • Know the tips and tools have been created, tried and tested by experts and really work
  • Get results by choosing a technique that suits your child, with 47 to choose from, you will find one!
  • Help your child to build their confidence in being okay when they are not with you
  • Perfect for printing without draining your coloured ink
  • Ideal for sticking on the fridge as a quick reminder 

Plus bonus content taken from my parent course which has helped many families to be happier, calmer and more in control.

AND an amazing discount code to use on the full online parent course worth over £60!

Stop doubting yourself and calm your child quickly

Get the support you're after today!

The Full Version Fully Printable!
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The results speak for themselves...

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Thanks so much for this. I love the balloon idea, and I can see the 5 things being a really good distraction from a meltdown situation.


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I have just completed Tammy’s course it was incredibly valuable and has made a real difference in how I understand and treat my son's severe anxiety.

The course talks through all the different stages of anxiety amongst other things and what I found personally so valuable was that Tammy has helped me to learn my son's thought process during extreme anxiety, and/or panic attacks which furthers my understanding of him and has taught me how to work best with his needs - this has been a game changer at home!

My son is now able to regulate his panic attack at the heightened stage (with my support) before he is physically sick (which was a regular occurrence before this course). I am so glad I took this course.


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This course is amazing, I've learnt so much and it's nice to know you are not the only parent dealing with your child's Anxiety. The course is clearly done and easy to follow. I like the fact that I have access to the app at all times, so going back on it when I needed to is brilliant.

Tammy has taught me to recognise signs that I have never noticed before or didn't think it was even related to things. I feel more confident with my daughter that I can help her, and not get upset because I can't fix her. I would recommend this course to everyone, it's been a lifeline to me.


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Just wanted to say I cannot recommend and thank Tammy enough. I completed the 6 week's course and have learnt so much about anxiety and how I as a parent can best support us both. We are seeing amazing results. Tammy is incredibly generous with her time and sharing her wealth of knowledge and skills. She is warm and compassionate and now my go-to person for specialist child anxiety support. 5 *****


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Some real useful snippets of life-changing information, also a reminder of what you have let slip. Nice and easy course to fit into the evenings and well worth your time for the money. Also, Tammy provided extra help and information away from the course was invaluable.

The course has given me confidence in what I should and should not be doing. Would highly recommend it.


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“Tammy is an insightful, bright, positive Coach who has amazing strategies that can change your life!”


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I took part in Tammy's parent anxiety and awareness course after a friend had recommended it to me.

It really has opened up a whole different world, things I had never thought of or even noticed before I feel now I can understand my daughter so much better and I have learned to listen to her more.

I also love the fact you have the online platform so you can go back and watch and read everything again as and when you need to.

Thank you so much 🙂


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Why I am passionate about helping your child

Hey there, I'm Tammy.

I have been helping people professionally with anxiety for 6 years, but my experience goes back over 27 years when I was 17 and diagnosed with social phobia. Looking back now I probably had it from the age of 10 or 11 as my school life was just horrendous! 

Luckily I had a great Mum who sought out help, but even with the support of a counsellor my anxiety still governed my life and at the age of 30 I was diagnosed with GAD Generalised Anxiety Disorder. 

Anxiety can be crippling, a constant battle in your mind and the exhaustion of fighting that daily. It is no wonder anxiety and depression can often go hand in hand.

But, I am a stubborn and determined person so I continued to fight on, and I am so glad I did, as 7 years ago I developed some amazing techniques to manage anxiety and then more recently I have qualified in supporting people to move past anxiety for good. I now have the immense joy of helping others to feel that freedom to just be themselves and let go of excessive worry and overthinking.  

I have lived an anxious life as a child, and know all too well the negative impact it can have if allowed to get out of control.

The children I work with are able to understand their anxiety, how and why it affects them like it does, and develop skills to move past that. That is life-changing.

I may not be able to work with every child who needs me but I can give you, their parent, the best support in helping them at home


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